Los días raros : (un)happy birthday

Buenos días excursionistas!! Ya os hable el otro día de la crueldad del tiempo, que aunque detenido, avanza sin darnos cuenta. Y así, sin darme cuenta (me lo ha chivado la app de WordPress), #onesongadayweb ha cumplido 4 años. Hace 1460 días que hice la primera entrada fijándome un objetivo que luego se convirtió en […]

Wish you were here (II)

This is a kind of continuation of yesterday’s post. Breakup of bands it is an issue quite common. Sometimes one of them abandones the group; other times the band is completely disappeared;… But almost always the main reason of the breakup is the lack of agreement between the members. I am sure you are thinking […]

Wish you were here

This is the song selected for today, since the album where it is included was released today in 1975. This song and others from the homonymous album are dedicated to Syd Barrett who abandoned the band in 1968. Enjoy! By coincidence, I read today that 30 years ago Morrissey announced that he was going to […]

Her majesty

4/11/1963, this was the night of The Beatles famous appearance at the Royal Command Performance at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London, in the presence of the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. From that performance is famous the introduction to their last song that night:»For our last number I’d like to ask your help. […]