Los días raros (XII + I)

Melena de orgullo y satisfacción… compartir otra canción sobre el tema que cubre (o cubría) y llena mi cabeza estos días. Pero observen que hasta chistes sobre el peliagudo asunto me han llegado: Y también canciones. Alguna muy acertadas (como la que compartiré hoy), pero otras solo aceptables si se lee el título sin saber […]

The year Cran Broke (IV)

As we announced yesterday, today we will continue our tribute to R environment on its 25th anniversary by playing a song from the band that many people recognize as the one that popularized ‘grunge’, and revived the interest on punk and post- punk music, or broadly speaking on alternative music. They help shining the spotlight […]

Less grunge

Nirvana unplugged for the MTV was recorded today in 1993 at Sony Music studios in New York. It would be released nearly a year later (1st November 1994). The concert included covers from David Bowie, The Vaselines, Meat Puppets (that played also at stage) and Leadbelly.

Jesus week (IV)

Here is our fourth chapter of this odd Easter special. Today a great song by scottish band ‘The Vaselines’. They released two versions of the song, the first as a parody of a children song (‘I’ll be a sunbeam’); then Nirvana covered the song during their concert recorded for their album ‘ MTV unplugged in […]

Generation X icon

50 years ago it was born Kurt Cobain, you know the singer, songwriter and guitarist who had several hits joined to Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic from 1991 to 1994 when after several attemps and after struggled with heroin addiction, illness and depression, he committed suicide in 1994 (April 5th) becoming one of the most […]


In 1992, while most people (at least in Spain) were looking at the Olympics games in Barcelona and/or the Expo in Sevilla, Nirvana (you know that group from Seatle that became moderately famous) released a record «plenty of B-sides». From this collection, may be this is my favourite one. Enjoy! Note: I have found some […]